Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Spare Parts and Services

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CoreDril Internacional

Your solution for drilling

* JD - 800E / JD1300E - Immediate Delivery * CDS63D - Immediate Delivery (Pre-owned) * Soilmec SM-14 (Pre-owned) *...
Soil Mechanics Studies, we obtain samples in soils and groundwater. The POWERPROBE 9520D TRUCK is the best in its category,...

AIRCOM Compresores Montaño

Compressors and Drilling Equipment

Dumbbells * INGERSOLL RAND * 190, 375, 425, 750, 825 compressors. Modern, quiet PCMs * Breakers and Drilling Machines Sale...

Voladuras Controladas

Track Drill Sale

Track Drill Gardner Denver 3200-A, for sale. Ready to work.

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