Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Spare Parts and Services

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Articulated and rigid trucks for earth moving for mining and construction. Excavators, Backhoes, Loaders, Articulated trucks, Tractors, Scooptram, Pipes, Lowboy,...
Soil Mechanics Studies, we obtain samples in soils and groundwater. The POWERPROBE 9520D TRUCK is the best in its category,...
SWEEPERS * STRIPE PAINT * STRIPE ERASE Spare parts - Consumables - Training - Maintenance * 8501-X Pressure tank stripe...
Sweeper with Collecting Hopper 8401-8805 Sweepers - Pinta-Rayas - Eraser-Scratches - Spare Parts - Consumables - Service and Training *...
Sale GMK 5160 crane MOD. 1997 We have more capacities available.

Unión de Perforadores de la Laguna

Generating Plant

750 KW diesel industrial generating plant, Kohler brand. Detroit Diesel 92 V-block engine. Produced with versions ranging from 6 to...

Radio Telecomunicación Integral

Radio Communicators and Accessories

For the 28th Anniversary RADIO ACCESSORIES from the best brands at EXCLUSIVE PRICES Radio Communicators * Batteries * Microphones *...

Maquinaria y Equipo de Construcción Cycocsa

Heavy Equipment - Pavements - Earthworks

Machinery rent Backhoe loaders with and without hammer pavements dirt roads Sale of Used Machinery Power Box T450 Paver Blaw...
* Marine suction dredgers (24”, 20”, 18”, 12”) * Drag dredgers - Link Belt LS98 - Link Belt LS108 *...

Aro Asfaltos y Riegos de Occidente

Pneumatic Rollers, Asphalt Paver

Machinery Sales Sakai tire, Mod. TS31, Year 2001, 1686 hrs. worked. Ingersoll Rand Mod. PT125R Tire, Year 1994, 2346 hrs....

Corley's Used Parts, LLC

Caterpillar Parts - Corleys Used Parts

We specialize in Caterpillar Parts. Spare parts, components and New Used and Rebuilt Attachments. We dismantle equipment of recent model.
Rent and Sale of Machinery * Shuttle Buggy SB-2500 (Roadtec Asphalt Transfer Equipment) * Crusher (Pettibone Jaw Primary and Telsmith...

JECA Commercial Products

Construction Machinery Supplies

SALE of all kinds of INPUTS of the Construction Machinery Industry, serving the entire Mexican Republic and Latin America. Products:...
* Rent of 3 BOMAG BM 2000/60 Roll Formers year 2019. * ADM Asphalt Plant of 12 Tons, Includes a...

Swega de Mexico - Pinta-Rayas

Paint-Stripes, Sweepers, Spare Parts

La Pinta-Rayas that has provided maintenance to all of Mexico since 1985. * 8501-X Pint-Stripes pressure vessel With gun and...

Neumática y Perforación

Hydraulic Drill ARI-90

HYDRAULIC DRILL ARI-90 range of 90 meters at 5 inches Sale of Down the Hole Hammers and Drill Bits from...

IECL - Ingenieria Especializada en Conectores Lisos

Mechanical Connectors, Rod Cutters and Benders

Mechanical Connectors to Join Corrugated Rod on Site * The best market price * We have a variety of materials...
* Industrial hoists * Hoists * Spare parts and services * Freight elevators * Traveling cranes * Electrifications Services: *...
Truck lubrication equipment “Orchestras or Marimbas” DIESEL PIPES with hydraulic delivery system and WATER PIPES with automated irrigation system from...
Rental and Sale of Machinery * Excavators 320C and 320D c/s MAR, 330CL, 330DL, 336DLCX, 330 c/s MART, 320D Equipped...

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